Yield Performance of Volvariella volvaceae as Affected by Planting Spawns Derived Pure Culture of Indigenous Growing Media

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Research Title: Yield Performance of Volvariella volvaceae as Affected by Planting Spawns Derived Pure Culture of Indigenous Growing Media
Researcher:Rina Q. Paguia
Cost: P 20,000.00
Source of Fund: BPSU GAA
Completion Date: July 2011


This study was conducted to evaluate the yield performance of mushroom (Volvariela volvaceae) as affected by different planting spawn derived from pure culture (F1) leguminous plant substrate.  The data was evaluated using Completely Randomized Design with four (4) treatments of three publications. The gathered data were subjected to analysis of variance using DMRT to compare the difference of treatment means.  The result showed that the average number of days from spawning to appearance of pinhead was significantly shorter from spawn inoculated with PDA based F1 substrate and Madre de Cacao substrtae.  The length of stalk and size of cap were significantly better  from spawn inoculated PDA and Moringa F1 based substrates. 

The yield performance of mushroom measured in terms of number of plant produced and weight of harvest were not significantly different from each other.  Income over bedding materials and planting spawn were significantly higher from PDA and malunggay based F1 substrates.  Evaluating the efficiency of spawn inoculated with leguminous tree F1 substrates could be done using other bedding materials to obtain optimum results.  Testing the performance of spawn in different locations with varying temperatures and humidity can be performed.